AHEC Scholars FAQ

What counts as “interprofessional”?
  • Working in teams with students from a discipline different than your own, OR
  • Working with more than 1 or more health professional from a discipline different than your own
What are rural and under-resourced clinical settings?
  • Clinics in small towns or unincorporated areas
  • Clinics that serve a high percentage of patients with these identities:
    • Communities of Color, Immigrants & Refugees, Migrant Workers, Tribal Communities & Nations, Under & Uninsured, LGBTQ+, Veterans, Homeless, Youth in and exiting foster care, Formerly & currently incarcerated
  • Examples of past fieldwork sites (COMING SOON)
What is the calendar timeline for completion of Clinical fieldwork hours?
  • Clinical fieldwork hours should be completed between October 1 and October 1 of the following year, for each year of enrollment.
Can Clinical fieldwork hours overlap with academic program requirements, employment, or volunteer hours?
  • Yes, clinical rotations/placements/practicums qualify if you will be working in an interprofessional setting with rural or under-resourced communities.
  • Yes, clinical volunteer or paid work qualify if they fulfill the requirements above.
What does not count as Clinical fieldwork hours?
  • Attending online trainings or conferences (alternatively, these do fulfill Self-Directed Learning requirements)
  • Non-health related volunteerism (i.e. Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, school clubs/committees)
  • Activities outside of the United States
  • Volunteering for communities that are not underserved (i.e. ski patrol)
What kinds of volunteer work fulfill the Clinical fieldwork requirement?​
Please refer to these pages for examples of clinical fieldwork opportunities.
What is the Learning Plan?
The learning plan is intended to help students strategize how they will complete their Clinical fieldwork hours. This gives us the chance to make sure your hours will fulfill the requirements. Clinical fieldwork locations must be approved prior to completion. The agreement is a great tool for making sure you have access to locations, populations and topics that are of interest to you. We want this to be an interesting and meaningful experience.
How do I log my hours?
You will document your Clinical fieldwork hours in a tracking survey in your Survey Queue. It will be very important for you to keep your hours updated as you complete them. You will be asked to write a reflection about your Clinical fieldwork experiences. This should be a discussion of your experiences. This is not simply a summary of your activities. This exercise is designed to help you think critically about your involvement and apply your learning about the eight core topics. Journaling is a very effective way to integrate your practice exposure to your academic studies.​
AHEC Scholar Surveys
A federal HRSA grant allows us to offer the AHEC Scholars program free of charge. In order to maintain this funding, we are asked to collect data on your work. We depend on you to help us respond! Each Scholar has been assigned an individualized Survey Queue Link. This link will take you to your “to do” list for your surveys.
What are the requirements for the online evening classes?
Both AHEC Scholars courses run for 8 weeks and are scheduled for 90 minutes per session.
What are the requirements for the Self-Directed Learning?
For each year of enrollment, students must complete 10 hours of self-directed learning, focused on interprofessional learning and the core topic areas. We provide a variety of options including self-paced learning modules, volunteer opportunities at AHEC Pathways events, AHEC Learning Events, Mental Health First Aid, and much more. We are flexible with what qualifies for this requirement and welcome you to get creative with what you want to do!
When and where are the classes held?
Classes are held synchronously on Zoom with the exception of one required in-person event for each year of enrollment. Class day is based on student availability.
What is the workload for the classes?
You will be expected to prepare for class by reading short articles and watching videos. A short written reflection is required as homework for each class session.
What if I can’t make it to the classes?
Occasionally you may need to miss class due to illness, class requirements, etc. Please let the your course administrator know so arrangements can be made. You may miss no more than 2 classes for each course. If you are unable to complete the course, please contact uwahec@uw.edu for possible solutions. We are dedicated to helping you complete this program, and we have an open communication policy.
Will I get credits for taking the class, and will it impact my GPA?
This is a pass/fail course. UW students who enroll for credit will see their grade on their transcript.
AHEC Scholars is a two-year program. What does that mean?
For AHEC Scholars purposes, you need to be enrolled in the program for two continuous academic years. For example, if you join AHEC Scholars in the fall of 2022, you are considered a scholar for the period of October 2022 through mid-June, 2024.
Can I complete the entire AHEC Scholars program on an accelerated schedule?
No. We will only count 40 hours of community-based learning and 40 hours of didactic coursework each year. You can do more if you wish, but you must complete 40 hours within the timeframe of each year.
Can I finish my AHEC Scholars requirements after graduation?
No. All requirements for the AHEC Scholars program must be completed by the time you graduate.
Is AHEC Scholars a free program?
Yes, there is no cost for the program. However, these classes are also available for credit if you are a UW student (1 credit P/F). Please confirm with your program administrator that there will not be an additional tuition fee for adding one credit).
  • Year 1: CONJ 515 Winter Quarter, Seattle/Section A, Spokane/Section C.
  • Year 2: FAMED 516 Fall Quarter, Seattle/Section A, Spokane/Section C.
Does AHEC Scholars offer any benefits when it comes to applying for scholarships/internships/loan repayment programs, etc.?
We can write a letter of recommendation or serve as a reference. We do not offer information about scholarships and other financial aid. You may find additional information about loan forgiveness programs at: https://bhw.hrsa.gov/loans-scholarships or https://www.workforcegateway.org/loan-repayment.html
What happens if I start AHEC Scholars but can’t finish?
We hope that everyone who begins the program will be able to complete it successfully, but we recognize that life doesn’t always work out that way. If you know that you will not be able to complete a particular set of requirements, please get in touch with us immediately. We have some flexibility in scheduling and curriculum content, so we may be able to work around the problem.